Tuesday, December 1, 2020

All In This Together, Right?

H/T Libertarian Party Mises Caucus [Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 10:38 AM] by way of The Pholosopher [Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 7:04 PM]


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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Book Review -- Faith Seeking Freedom: Libertarian Christian Answers to Tough Questions

BOOK REVIEW — Faith Seeking Freedom: Libertarian Christian Answers to Tough Questions

129 pages, by Dr. Norman Horn, Doug Stuart, Kerry Baldwin, and Dick Clark


  • Kerry Baldwin has been a Facebook friend for several years now.

  • I don't profess to be a Christian of any denomination or sect or whatever. Organized religion and I simply don't do well together.

With those out of the way . . . .

Faith Seeking Freedom is easy reading, in that the authors don't try to cram you chock-full of data and information and jargon, such that you would feel overwhelmed by it all.

When the authors cite Biblical content, they put the citation right there in the same paragraph as the point that they're making, so you don't have to keep flipping back and forth to the end of the chapter or the end of the book. This is probably for the best where electronic versions are concerned. Also, for those inclined to have a Bible nearby to check on the authors, it's right there where you can compare and contrast the authors' points against the Bible verse(s) itself.

The authors don't attempt to take sides where the big divisions of libertarian thought occur, such as the minarchy vs. anarchy debate, or whether or not to be involved in the LP, with the exception of the abortion issue.


[Page numbers cited here are what listed is on the particular page. The actual pages on the PDF version that I used for this review will be that number, plus 10 pages.]

Chapter 2 (The Libertarian Basics, pp. 23-34) gives the reader a decent summary of the Non-Aggression Principle and how it applies to everyday life.

p. 26, part of the answer to Question #13 (How do libertarian Christians account for people who violate the non-aggression principle (NAP)?) takes on the minarchy vs. anarchy question rather well — the authors explain both sides without explicitly favoring one side or the other. (Disclosure: I personally lean towards the anarcho-capitalist side.)

p.39, Question #25 (Do libertarians believe any and every government is illegitimate?) also tackles the minarchy vs. anarchy adroitly, explaining both sides without favoring one or the other.

pp. 67-68 give a succinct and principled response to the "What about roads?" shibboleth.

OK, enough spoilers.

Do me a favor Do yourself a favor — Go and get a copy and read it for yourself.


Faith Seeking Freedom is an easy-to-read, principled guide for Christians who are seeking to understand libertarianism, on par with Inclined to Liberty by Louis Carabini, The Law by Frederic Bastiat, or Down With Power by L. Neil Smith.

Go get a copy, read it, then tell your friends and family.


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Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What is "Spaceport America" but a Political Classhole Slush-Fund?

Facebook always yields instances of the Political Classholes getting caught with their pants down and their hands in the cookie jar —

Peter St. Cyr
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 10:32 AM

An Independent audit confirms serious operational and management problems at Spaceport America. I repeatedly told embattled Director Dan Hicks he could not write his own public records law. This facility was constructed with taxpayer money and needs to be transparent to avoid these kinds of problems in the future. Click to read the report here: https://osa-app.org/uploads/2020/66dacc30-9870-49f4-874a-f4b26d09aaa6/Spaceport Authority - Investigation of Complaint Final Report.pdf

And what exactly has been launched from "Spaceport America" besides a few suborbital flights?

Wasn't Virgin Galactic the "anchor tenant" for whom Reichsgovernor Richardson built this particular elephante blanco?

From SpaceNews — Virgin Galactic declares Spaceport America ready for SpaceShipTwo, by Jeff Foust, 15 August 2019 —

Virgin Galactic didn't give a date for when it expects SpaceShipTwo to arrive at the spaceport — WhiteKnightTwo will return to Mojave to fly it to New Mexico — but that when it arrives the company will start with a couple of glide flights to test those upgraded flight controls and to get familiar with the airspace.

Once those are done, "we'll be ready for rocket-powered flights," he said. While there is no set number of powered test flights planned before SpaceShipTwo is ready for commercial operations, Moses noted there are currently eight hybrid rocket motors stockpiled at the spaceport.

Two other SpaceShipTwo vehicles are under construction in Mojave. Moses said the first of those two should be ready to begin flight tests in 2020.

At this rate, will Virgin Galactic be ready to launch anything by 2120?

Considering Virgin Galactic's pre-COVID glacial pace of operations where "Spaceport America" is concerned, on top of the Beer Bug-inspired shutdown mania, it's probably safe to say that 2020 is a write-off at this point.

But there's always 2021, right?

Go ahead and feel free to make that bet.

But hey, at least "Spaceport America" has a nice new lounge that Governess Chipmunk can use to host one of her COVID-non-compliant parties

For what it's worth, that State Auditor's report that St. Cyr linked to above is great fun, if you get your kicks by reading about some of the ways that the Political Classholes have fun at our expense.


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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Messing About with Article II, Section 6

A few weeks ago, Albuquerque City Councilor Diane Gibson has gotten herself some no-charge campaign advertising, courtesy of the lamestream snoozemedia [1], on account of her calling for a State-level Constitutional Amendment to change Article II, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of New Mexico from its current text:

No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms.

— to something that gives municipal and county governments more leeway to enact victim disarmament statutes:

No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons.

Considering that the sorts of victim disarmament statutes desired by Gibson and her hoplophobe cronies only disarm those who need to own and carry weapons the most — the five-foot, hundred-pound woman who's being stalked by her crazed six-foot, two-hundred-pound ex-boyfriend — and don't actually disarm the criminal and terrorist types one bit, those of us who support and exercise the individual, civil, Constitutional, human right to own and carry weapons for ".... for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes ...." would prefer that IF Article II, Section 6 must be amended, that it should read like this afterwards:

No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms.


  1. Albuquerque Journal — New vote sought on firearm provision

    KRQE News — Albuquerque city councilors seek new vote on firearms provision


  1. Submitted to the Albuquerque Journal — Tuesday, 18 August 2020 at 8:57 AM

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    20. Vote Dumpster Fire — Facebook page

    21. Vote the Air — Facebook page

    22. Vote the Air NM — Facebook page

    23. Wood Chipper — Facebook page

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Lefty Fascists 'Honor' the Passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Mostly, I don't bother much with Twitter, as the "service" abounds with idiocy and not much else.

Still, that abumdance of inanity provides lots of ridicule-worthy material.

For example, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away yesterday. As for the stances she took while on the Court, I probably disagreed with her more often than I agreed with her. Still, I don't know that I could have lived in the District of Corruption for 27 years AND kept my opinions on the issues of the day to myself, except when permitted to speak up.

You might think that the lefty fascist types would celebrate her life and express sorrow about her passing, right?


As posted by "Nicole" [Friday, 18 September 2020 at 5:44 PM] —


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Friday, August 21, 2020

Want Total Freedom and No Responsibility? Be a Democrat!

Apparently, being a Democrat makes you immune to the Beer Bug. Who knew?

This immunity doesn't seem to discriminate between the lefty-fascist "progressive" kind, the "conservative" or "libertarian" kind or the Republican-wannabe Establishment kind.

The DNC's nominee for First Crook, Creepy Joe, is a prime example of the last kind.

From Kamala Harris' Twitter feed — 8:20 AM ⋅ August 17, 2020

In that picture, it's plainly obvious that this is a gathering of more than five [5] people, and that they do not appear to be practicing any "social distancing" protocols.

As the TV pitchmen say, "But wait, there's more!

In this second picture, it's plain to see that not only are they not "social distancing," but they aren't wearing the idiotic masks that they insist that the rest of us wear any time that we step outside of our homes.

H/T Joseph L. Roberts — Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 8:01 AM

It seems like Eric July called it last month when he [sarcastically] said in a video clip that "the virus is woke" and able to tell what your politics are, and only infect those who aren't lefty fascist types of the sort that are working for the DNC, its affiliates and candidates.

After all, when you're a lefty fascist whackjob, you can get away with just about anything, as Larry Correia writes:

Larry Correia
Monday, August 17, 2020 at 2:59 PM

When a lone nut job maniac goes on a mass shooting, he represents all gun owners (even if his manifesto is all pro gun control). Even if he's a raving left winger or has no coherent philosophy at all, he represents all republicans/Christians/white men/whatever group the left has a hate boner for this week. And the existence of this lone nut maniac irreparably taints half the population of America with guilt, even if they have nothing in common with him at all.

However, if somebody wearing a hoody and a ski mask, looting, burning shit, while chanting fuck the police and flying the hammer and sickle, gets caught on video beating someone with a baseball bat... HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THEY ARE ANTIFA?!? HE DOES NOT HAVE AN ANTIFA NAME TAG ON! WHERE IS HIS ANTIFA ID CARD? HOW DARE YOU SMEAR THESE INNOCENT MOSTLY PEACEFUL PEOPLE WITH THE ACTIONS OF A FEW BAD APPLES?!?

This may sound crazy, but just remember. If you are on the right you share collective guilt for every bad thing which has ever happened, even if it was done by people on the left. And if you are on the left, you are free from sin because you Care Harder.

On the individual level, if you are on the right, you are responsible for things that other people's ancestors did 200 years ago. But if you are on the left, you aren't responsible for what you are doing right now.

Also see this video clip, where the guy holding the gun on the woman in the car says (no way that I could have made this up) —

"I am not a cop, I will fucking shoot you. I'm a Democrat. I can shoot you because Democrats get away with everything."


  1. Published at / in The Libertarian Enterprise [TLE] — Number 1,081 – Sunday, 23 August 2020

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    13. Vote Dumpster Fire — Facebook page

    14. Vote the Air — Facebook page

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    16. Wood Chipper — Facebook page

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Can't Stop the Signal, v. 2020 Elections

h t t p s : / / j o e b i d e n . i n f o

h t t p s : / / k a m a l a h a r r i s . i n f o


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    14. Vote Dumpster Fire — Facebook page

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    16. Vote the Air NM — Facebook page

    17. Wood Chipper — Facebook page

Saturday, July 18, 2020

We The People Rally at 1 Civic Plaza [Thursday, 16 July 2020 at Albuquerque, New Mexico]

On Thursday, 16 July 2020, I went to the Protest For Freedom — New Mexico rally sponsored by We The People Of New Mexico at 1 Civic Plaza, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Details and pictures follow. All pictures are by myself, unless otherwise noted.

At least 1 x New Mexico State Police [NMSP] officer was patrolling around Civic Plaza in a marked unit (doing laps?).

Several uniformed Albuquerque Police Department [APD] officers were present, watching the event from near the east entrance of the City Hall building

Couy Griffin and the Cowboys for Trump [C4T] "color guard" rode around Civic Plaza on horseback for at least one lap.

Several New Mexico Civil Guard [NMCG] personnel were present on stage, as well as in the crowd.

A camera operator from KRQE 13 News was present and set up his equipment about 15 feet from the center front of the stage steps.

A partial list of speakers follows (apologies if I missed anyone) —

Louie Sanchez, owner of Calibers, was the second speaker (I didn't get any good pictures of the first, an African-American gym owner) and spoke about the Second Amendment.

Hailey Bradford (sp?)

Local pastor Steve Smothermon led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Greg Baca, Republican State Senator from District 29

Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin, head of Cowboys for Trump [C4T]

David C. Chavez started his speech with the beginning of "Eye of the Tiger".

The officially-booked speakers concluded the We The People program at 6:45 PM. The stage was handed off to others for the next 15 minutes —

Audrey Trujillo (no pictures available)

Scott Chandler, Republican candidate for House District 32 (no pictures available)

Sergeant Major Hawkins of the NM Civil Guard said that he's running for Bernalillo County Sheriff in 2022 (he's got my vote at this point). He also talked about the Lujan connetion to slavery — Don Pedro Leon Lujan was arrested by the Utah militia in 1851 for slave trading.

Dinah Vargas, Republican candidate for House District 10

Mary Ingham, Republican candidate for NM Senate District 14 (no pictures available)

Stephen Cecco, Republican candidate for New Mexico House District 19 [1].

Mike Cordova, current LPNM Bernalillo County Chair, made contact with me towards the end as I was taking notes — he said Elisheva Levin mentioned me to him.

The crowd started dispersing at 7 PM after the event's end was announced from the podium.


  1. There was a visible law enforcement presence from at least two agencies — APD and NMSP. During the 90 minutes that I was on the scene, I observed NO altercations between law enforcement and ANYONE — attendees, counter-protestors, the NM Civil Guard personnel, ANYONE. So maybe all cops aren't evil? Better to simply deal with them as you deal with everyone else — as individuals.

  2. Whatever counter-protest group(s) that were there weren't violent at all, and didn't seem to have much of a presence. (I didn't see any, but the article in the Albuquerque Journal said that there were some there, so whatever.)

  3. It started raining (slight drizzle, actually — nothing more) at about 6:19 PM, and stopped by 6:50 PM.

  4. All of the speakers stuck to the general message of "Michelle Lujan Grisham is abusing her powers as Governor" — that's a good thing. No one went off on conspiracy theories, or called for government to be made more intrusive, more expensive or more powerful.

  5. I didn't see piles of trash of the sort found after lefty-fascists events (water bottles, fast-food drink cups, aluminum cans, snack wrappers and bags, etc.) left on the ground after the event.

  6. The Facebook page set up for the event advised attendees to bring their own water. I would suggest that for future events, vendors such as food trucks be invited, and that arrangements made for restroom access (there didn't seem to be any for this event).

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

"No one wants to take your guns," v. July 3, 2020

From the Albuquerque Journal, Friday, 3 July 2020, p. A11 OP-ED ("SPEAK UP!")

KUDOS TO the Santa Fe County Commission for passing on the purchase of AR-15 weapons for the Santa Fe sheriff's department SWAT officers. . . . Instead of just waiting, as Sheriff Mendoza seems inclined to do because of "the current climate in the nation," I recommend the funds be redirected to a buyback and destruction of this type of weapon from civilians who have no legitimate need for them. AW

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Alternatives to Facebook and Twitter

Tom Souther
Monday, April 20, 2020 at 8:03 PM


The WrapFacebook Will Remove Content Organizing Protests Against Stay-at-Home Orders, Zuckerberg Says by Sean Burch

Consider Diaspora*, Flote, Friendica, Gab, Liberty.Me, MeWe, Minds, Pocketnet, or Spreely as possible alernatives to Facebook and Twitter.


Diaspora* doesn't have pages or groups, and it helps if you can read German, French and Spanish, but there is some interesting stuff there.



Friendica is similar to Diaspora, along with the posts in Russian and Japanese.


Gab is a less-censored version of Twitter.



MeWe lets you create groups at no charge, but charges you per month for pages. Also, they don't let you share links for anything there (including your own stuff) outside of MeWe.


On top of this, Facebook won't let you post links to any content on Minds, hence the above URL.



Spreely offers the same sort of stuff as Facebook (pages, groups, video channels), but doesn't seem to do the same sort of arbitrary lefty-biased shadow-banning that we've seen on Facebook.

Thus, I'm slowly duplicating my Facebook pages and groups on Spreely, in advance of a mass migration.

Also, while Facebook will allow you to post links to Spreely, the FB system labels it as "403 Forbidden."


YouMe seems to be a new outfit. Like MeWe, they don't seem to let you share links of what you post outside their system.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

[ABQ Journal] Re: "Hitting the Brakes" ("Speak Up!" submission)

“NM's oil and gas industry is on the edge of a shutdown"

Well, the lefty-fascist economics deniers HAVE stated their desire to make NM "carbon-free" :


Meanwhile, NM Democrats see the petrochemical industry as an endless cornucopia when they want cash for their "free everything for everyone" plans.

In response to "Hitting the brakes", by Kevin Robinson-Avila, Journal Staff Writer (Wednesday, 8 April 2020)

Submitted on Wednesday, 8 April 2020 [Facebook post by Albuquerque Journal]

As printed (Albuquerque Journal, Monday, 13 April 2020, p. A9 "Speak Up!")

“NM'S OIL and gas industry is on the
edge of a shutdown" Well, the ... eco-
nomics deniers have stated their desire
to make NM "carbon-free" ... Meanwhile,
NM Democrats see the petrochemical
industry as an endless cornucopia when
they want cash for their "free everything
for everyone" plans. MB

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Why Cover Up a Potential Cure for COVID-19?

A few days ago, I received this link from Tom Taylor of the Albuquerque Tea Party

Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret, by "libertymavenstock"

Here's the original URL — https://medium.com/@agaiziunas/covid-19-had-us-all-fooled-but-now-we-might-have-finally-found-its-secret-91182386efcb

When you click that link, here's what you get —

Now it seems that the described course of treatment (basicallly hydroxycholoroquine with zinc) is turning out to . . . actually work.

Why even try to cover it up?

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Quote of the Day for Monday, 30 March 2020

To paraphrase Pink Floyd —

We don't want no trans-for-mation,
we don't need your mind control . . .
Leave us folks alone.

— Jamie Fraser-Paige, Thursday, 26 March 2020 at 8:10 PM

H/T Shawn Haufe

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

DingleBerry Express Shuts Down!

Recently, KOB News reported that the DingleBerry Express[1] has shut down, at least temporarily, due to COVID-19 hysteria —

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- The City of Albuquerque continues to adjust services to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"It's very serious and important that we all as a community work on some of this," Mayor Tim Keller said

Public transportation will begin operating on a Saturday schedule, starting March 28.

The mayor also announced Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART) service would be suspended on March 28.

"The ART route, that whole thing will stop this weekend," Mayor Keller said.

Never mind that the DingleBerry Express (some call it "Albuquerque Rapid Transit" or "ART") isn't anything more than an overpriced remaking of the Central Avenue "Rapid Ride."

If you look at video clips and photographs of the DingleBerry Express busses, you can see "766 RED LINE" and "777 GREEN LINE" on the top of the buses' front ends. Just like on the "Rapid Ride" that preceded the DingleBerry Express.

In fact, the "Rapid Ride" "Blue Line" (Route 790) still exists, and still uses the same sort of buses that the "Red Line" and "Green Line" used before the DingleBerry Express was created.

The best case that we can expect from this is that the ad hoc demolition derby along Central Ave will be put on something resembling a hiatus until at least Easter weekend (Friday, 10 April 2020), as that's when the Governor's "shelter in place" order is supposed to expire.

"The local 66 route will continue. That's a part of the Saturday operating schedule."

So Albuquerque's Number One rolling bad neighborhood and disease vector continues its operation. Just wonderful.

As for city parks, Mayor Keller said they will be open but playgrounds will be off limits.

"The state is asking people not to go to parks, there is an exception I believe for exercise," Keller said. "We are officially closing all our playgrounds."

The mayor said the Albuquerque Police Department can enforce the governor's stay-at-home order.

That last line there is what separates Albuquerque's First Crook Tim Keller from his freelance comrades.

Mind you, this schtick of Keller and Lujan-Grisham isn't new in any sense. It's the same attitude displayed by French King Louis XIV when he said "L'etat, c'est moi" ["I am The State," in other words, "My every utterance is law."] and had the phrase Ultima Ratio Regum ["the final argument of kings"] cast onto the barrels of the cannon fielded by the Armée royale française — "Do what I tell you, or my guys will point this cannon at your home and light it off."


  1. DingleBerry Express — Facebook page, Spreely page

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Going Stir Crazy

And here I thought *I* was going stir-crazy from COVID-19.

H/T Jill Linden via Elizabeth Honce

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