Friday, April 19, 2013 Introductory Survey

Recently I decided that it's time to resurrect The Weekly Sedition as a video series or radio show or podcast or whatever – something besides a simple blog.

Since I last produced a show at Channel 27, the station has switched hands, from Quote Unquote to uPublic TV. So recently I stopped by the uPublic offices to see what the signup procedures are – I was told to go to the site, which redirected me to the uPublic group. There I had to fill out an introductory survey to join the group. Here are my answers:

Write a short bio

I was a producer at Channel 27 for a few years and am looking to get back into the game. More information is available upon request.

Please answer these questions completely. How did you find out about his group?

UPublic -- From the web and another producer.

This meetup -- I talked to someone at the 3rd St NW office. He told me to sign up at, which redirected to here.

Why do you want to join this group?

To learn how to develop content for Channel 27 and other media outlets, and to "get back in the game."

How much television program production experience do you have?

About 12 years on Channel 27 through Quote Unquote.

Do you understand that you are required to attend two mandatory classes before getting access to any other resources?

Yes. Quote Unquote has a similar requirement. Most organizations are like that, and the ones that aren't are asking for trouble.

Besides the two mandatory classes, what other classes would you like to attend?

What's available, and what are the requirements (costs, prerequisites, etc.) ?


  1. Reposted –

    1. Personal blogs and micro-blogs – Wordpress / Xanga

Copyright © 2013 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepad++.

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Question about Abortion and Homosexuality

If the biotech and medical fields were to devise some sort of prenatal test, accurate to 99 percent, that could determine whether the baby-to-be was going to be heterosexual or homosexual, would it then be acceptable to abort that baby if it turned out to be homosexual?

This of course assumes that sexual orientation is a genetically-determined trait – something that has yet to be scientifically proven.

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Comments posted to the original article on Xanga

  • Even before reading this, my mind went there when I read your title, bcause pro-abortion folks have said it's okay to abort due to possible birth defects or illnesses, or even because the "fetus" (read baby) is not the biological sex of male or female that they would prefer. Swear to any higher power you want, I have been meaning to post this very question.
    4/5/2013 3:30 AM lonelywanderer2

  • I would also ask the reverse question. What if you wanted your child to be homosexual? Would it be acceptable to abort a heterosexual fetus?
    4/5/2013 3:32 AM lonelywanderer2

  • Would it be a hate crime to abort a fetus that will grow up to be gay?
    4/5/2013 5:40 AM wordwarrior39

  • This entire gay hoax is about Democrat Party power. So asking "intelligent" questions and trying to get the terminally stupid to see the light is a waste of time.

    And just as the Democrat Party couldn't care less about the sick, the downtrodden, the elderly, the poor, the children, the environment, they couldn't give a rat's rear end about gays.

    All the Democrat Party wants from gays is their votes and their campaign cash.
    4/5/2013 6:31 AM ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove

  • The real question is not, "Isn't homosexuality genetically/hormonally determined?" The proper question, from the sceintific perspective is, "How much is genetic, how much is hormonal, how much is intrauterine, how much is extrauterine, how much is other factors?" Biology cannot determine complex human interactions, environment, family/social environment, and many more factors. Your question is biase inducing, and is impossible to answer. you'll simply have to frame the question to one which science can answer.
    4/5/2013 6:36 AM  Such_are_you

  • It's legal to abort a baby simply because it's inconvenient.
    4/5/2013 8:10 AM blonde_apocalypse

  • sure. i'm pro-choice, no exception. a woman has a right to abort for whatever reason.
    4/5/2013 10:03 AM flapper_femme_fatale

  • It would seem to me that the mentallity that accepts aborting a fetus because of it's sexual preferance would also think it was fine to terminate an adults life based upon the same judgement of it's sexual perferance.
    4/6/2013 7:45 AM SacredChao

  • I think that a woman's right to control what does and does not go on inside her body should not be infringed for any reason, although I frown on late-term abortion.
    4/7/2013 10:39 AM Facetiouseloquence

  • Hmm – No idea here
    4/9/2013 1:54 PM BoulderChristina

  • That’s a great question!! I am anti abortion and also anti homosexuality; since I will not by force cause homosexuals to give up that life style, I will not force women to give up their choice. I heard a comedian say one day, the Republicans want to stop abortions and not give free contraceptives and then resist paying for all the children that are born undesired. The entire system is broke; one can never stop a dandelion by removing just the flower. It will prevent passer bys from seeing them, but they are still there.
    4/17/2013 10:44 AM Lewis1122


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    1. Personal blogs and micro-blogs – Wordpress / Xanga

Copyright © 2013 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepad++.

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