Thursday, July 28, 2022

[LPNM] Submission for Libertarian NM Lt. Gov. Candidate Name

From: Karen Bedonie
To: Chris Luchini, Efren Gallardo
CC: Crystal Meiwes, Elizabeth Honcee, Elisheva Levin, Mike Blessing, Angela McArdle, Caryn Ann Harlos
Date: Thursday, July 28th, 2022 at 8:45 PM [MST]

Greetings Mr. Luchini,

Recognizing the new situation of the vacancy of Lt. Governor (L), pursuant NMSA 1978, Section 1-8-8(A), in respect to the January 31, 2022 Secretary of State Declaration date requirement, my campaign for Governor respectfully submits Efren Gallardo, Jr. for Lt. Governor (L). After careful consideration, we know that the urban corridors of Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces are the greatest concentration of this election and will need a perfect strategic candidate to tip the win. We also know that roughly 60% of the New Mexico voting base is of Spanish speaking descent. Among all other qualities and requirements our campaign sought after, we are happy to affirm our choice. We graciously support Efren Gallardo Jr. for Lt. Governor to join the Bedonie Campaign for Governor on the Libertarian ticket. The Mr. Gallardo is a New Mexico Spanish speaking Native and a highly respected professional in the major urban settings of Albuquerque / Las Cruces. Mr. Gallardo has huge family ties across the state and will be a major asset in the current time crunch and he is the only candidate that we recommend. He is a registered Libertarian and will bring a very positive and powerful light to the campaign and to the party. Below is his contact information.

Once his candidacy is official, we can have our campaign(s) move to add his name to our statewide support. Our campaign is heating up and time is of the essence. We truly feel we have the greatest opportunity in this election with Mr. Gallardo. Please feel free to contact the campaign at [Phone number REDACTED — MWB]. Mrs. Crystal Meiwes will kindly direct your inquiry to me in my many rural infrastructural-communication challenges. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving Mr. Gallardo's candidacy submission to the SOS. God bless.

[Contact information REDACTED — MWB]

Yours in Freedom and Liberty,
Karen E. Bedonie
Candidate for New Mexico Governor

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