- Bubonicon
- Kinda wanted to go to Bubonicon 45 this weekend, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I just wasn't sufficiently motivated. There were only a couple of panels that sounded even remotely interesting – I'm not going to blow ∅45-50 for one or two panels. Maybe they can make video recordings of them and post those recordings to YouTube?
- Bubonicon 46
- Would like to do something like a suite for the Libertarian Futurist Society
- Topics
- What role should politics have in science fiction?
- What role should science fiction have in politics?
- Trends in science fiction, publishing, etc., in regards to libertarian science fiction
- What role should politics have in science fiction?
- Record any panels for YouTube, etc. Same sort of rules as for monthly ABQ Liberty Forums at Frontier.
- Relevant links –
- Topics
- Would like to do something like a suite for the Libertarian Futurist Society
- STAIF-2 2014
- Location – to be determined and announced
- Dates – 15-17 April 2014 (?)
- Week of spring break (11-13 March 2014) would be better. During April, most students and faculty are preparing for finals and end of semester.
- Week of spring break (11-13 March 2014) would be better. During April, most students and faculty are preparing for finals and end of semester.
- Agenda – to be determined and announced
- Price tag –
- Hopefully NOT ∅300-400 a person as in 2012 and 2013
- ∅300-400 per person is OK for people on expense accounts (paid for by others – government, military, corporate, university, etc.) or with spare cash to blow.
- ∅100 per person is more like it when the expected attendees are showing up on their own dime. Especially in this lousy economy – ∅300-400 is a bit much even during good times.
- ∅300-400 per person is OK for people on expense accounts (paid for by others – government, military, corporate, university, etc.) or with spare cash to blow.
- Hopefully NOT ∅300-400 a person as in 2012 and 2013
- Website – http://staif2.org
- Create Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Youtube accounts for STAIF-2 ?
- Reserve blogs at Wordpress and Blogger / Blogspot – staif2.wordpress.com, staif2.blogspot.com ?
- Co-locate at Bubonicon 46 – use a party suite for presentations?
- Would save on expenses, allowing STAIF to cut admission by a factor of 20
- Would save on expenses, allowing STAIF to cut admission by a factor of 20
- Location – to be determined and announced
- Start posting to Twitter, Google Plus accounts
- Reposted –
- Personal blogs and micro-blogs – Wordpress
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