Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Weekly Sedition Returns to ABQ Ch.27

Starting Thursday, July 1st, at 8PM, The Weekly Sedition returns to Albuquerque Comcast Channel 27.

Your cordial host will be myself, Mike Blessing, with Bill Koehler behind the camera running the technical side of things.

  1. Reposted —
    1. KCUF Media — Blogspot / Myspace / Xanga
    2. New Mexico Liberty / The BTPNM Blog / The LPNM Blog / Mike Blessing for State Representative

Friday, June 18, 2010

The 100-Word Challenge

Current mood: amused

New Mexico Turn Around posts a challenge for the rest of us
CHALLENGE: In 100 words suggest a solution for the economic mess toward which we head.

Oh, really?

Here's my response — let's see if I actually need the full 100 words . . .
  1. Cut spending across the board — no special handouts for anyone.
  2. Cut taxes across the board — no special breaks for anyone.
  3. Repeal regulations across the board — no special breaks for anyone.
  4. Repeal bad, wasteful laws across the board — no special breaks for anyone.
  5. Bring the troops home from Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere else.
  6. Return to a sound money system (gold? silver?) for government transactions.
  7. Repeal legal tender laws.
  8. Repeal any law repugnant to the written U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights.

I count 80 words.

And I dared to use That Word Which Shall Not Be Uttered In Contemporary Politics — "repeal" — not just once, but four times! Shame on me!

  1. Reposted —
    1. KCUF Media — Myspace / Xanga / Blogspot
    2. The BTPNM Blog / The LPNM Blog / Mike Blessing for State Representative

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tom Mullins -- Landmines on the (U.S.--Mexican) Border

Posted to Facebook
Way to go, Tom Mullins!

GOP House Candidate Tom Mullins: Consider Land Mines on Border with Mexico But NOT Canada (Audio)

Landmines on the border, to stop immigrants?

Here he attempts to clarify this a bit — Mullins clarifies land mines comment

Now he said in the KOB interview that he's not advocating this himself, but was suggested by someone he met on the campaign trail.

Still, if you go to the archived audio clip, it does sound at first as though Mullins himself is advocating this very sort of thing —

I think well they need to enforce the law. I actually have a couple of ideas and I received these ideas. We talk about a border fence, and really what we get down to is, it's very difficult to have a fence and have that work. But we have some low-cost, low-tech solutions, and I know it sounds crazy, but we used to have land mines. I know it sounds like a crazy thing, but if we wanted to stop, if we have an attack on the United States, if we have a nuclear attack and we find that they carried the nuclear weapon and the people that harmed us came across the border and we say we have got to secure the border, we could put land mines along the border. I know it sounds crazy, we could put up signs in 23 different languages if necessary . . . .

Now, later on in that clip, he does say that he doesn't actually want to use land mines, and that the National Labs can cook up another low-tech, low-cost means to secure the border, but come on now, how many millions will they spend on developing it?

Am I supposed to believe that some future Administration won't fall back upon the land-mine idea as just the sort of low-cost, low-tech solution? After all, back in 1996, we saw an 18-year-old boy (Esequiel Hernandez) who was herding goats, shot dead by a Marine Corps counter-drug patrol because of the .22-LR rifle that he carried. Between that, the whitewash and coverup investigation of the Waco Massacres of 28 February and 19 April 1993, and plenty of other incidents along those lines, why should anyone trust a Republican of the Lincoln-Roosevelt mold?

We saw just how well the Republican-majority U.S. House members exercised their oversight duties in 1998 looking into the Waco debacle, didn't we? They didn't dig too deeply simply because they knew that they would need the Democrats to return the favor and go easy on their Administrations' . . . indiscretions of using federal power. We saw some of those indiscretions from 2001 through 2009, first at Rainbow Farm, then Afghanistan, then Iraq, the USA-PATRIOT Act of 2001, etc., etc.

What really stymies me is that the clown clique behind Mullins [1] keeps pushing the idea that things will improve "when our people take the reins of power."

The fact remains that they had those reins of power in the Congress from 1995 until 2007, and in the White House from 2001 until 2009. How much did they actually shrink the reach and intrusiveness of Washington DC? How much did they lessen the costs of Washington DC upon us?

  1. I know that Mullins says that he's not part of the GOP Machine, but is the gear in your wind-up alarm clock cognizant of the other gears in the clock, and the other parts that make the hands go around, the alarm go off, and such?
  2. Reposted —
    1. Personal blogs — Blogspot / Myspace / New Mexico Liberty / Tumblr / Wordpress

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Upcoming Events for Summer 2010

Thursday, June 3, 6-8 PM: The Libertarian Party of New Mexico hosts Albuquerque Liberty Forum at Fiesta's Restaurant and Cantina (Carlisle & Montgomery NE). Contact Mike Blessing for details — / 505-515-7015

Saturday, June 5 and Sunday, June 6: Gun Show at the Manuel Lujan Building at the Expo NM complex. Enter through the gate at Copper and San Pedro NE.

Tuesday, June 8, 5 PM: Friends of Capitalism hosts a debate between incumbent Attorney General Gary King and challenger Matthew Chandler at the Rio Chama Steakhouse in Santa Fe. Contact Jim McCaughey for details. Also see the Friends Of Capitalism website.

Sunday, June 13, 1-3 PM: Colloidal Silver Antibiotic Class in Albuquerque. Contact Milt Cumiford for more information.

Wednesday, June 16, 5-7 PM: The Rio Grande Foundation hosts Liberty on the Rocks in Santa Fe at the Rio Chama Steakhouse. The guest speaker will be Jim Scarantino of New Mexico Watchdog.

Thursday, June 17, 5-7 PM: The Rio Grande Foundation hosts Liberty on the Rocks in Albuquerque at the Chama River Brewing Company. The guest speaker will be Rob Nikolewski, who will be taking over Capitol Report New Mexico.

Friday, June 18, 12 PM: The Rio Grande Foundation hosts it second annual Lights of Liberty luncheon. This year's featured speaker will be Deroy Murdock of National Review Online.

Saturday, June 26, 1-4 PM: Coordinated National Screening of Don't Tread On Me! Rise of the Republic. Contact Elisheva Levin for more information. Popcorn provided!

Tuesday, June 29, 5-7 PM: The Rio Grande Foundation hosts Liberty on the Rocks in Las Cruces at the Cattle Baron Steak & Seafood Restaurant on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Guest speaker TBA. The Cattle Baron will offer happy hour prices and a full menu for food selection.

Thursday, July 1, 6-8 PM: The Libertarian Party of New Mexico hosts Albuquerque Liberty Forum at Fiesta's Restaurant and Cantina (Carlisle & Montgomery NE). Contact Mike Blessing for details — / 505-515-7015

Thursday, July 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / 29, 8-9 PM: The Weekly Sedition will be on Albuquerque Comcast Channel 27, hosted by Mike Blessing. For those that don't have ABQ Comcast, the show can be viewed via streaming video on the Channel 27 site (requires MS Media Player!).

Sunday, July 4, 2 PM — whenever: July 4 Cookout. Contact Elisheva Levin for more info. Burgers, hot dogs and lemonade provided. Bring side dishes, desserts, and other drinks to share. NO FIREWORKS ALLOWED due to proximity to the National Forest.

Saturday, July 10 and Sunday, July 11: Pistol Class in Farmington by Cope Reynolds. Contact Milt Cumiford for registration papers and more info.

Wednesday, July 28, Thursday, July 29, and Friday, July 30: The Rio Grande Foundation hosts Dr. Matt Ladner, Vice President of Research at the Goldwater Institute in Arizona for a presentation of "Turning Around New Mexico's Public Schools — The Florida Model" in Albuquerque, Las Cruces and Santa Fe.

Thursday, August 5, 6-8 PM: The Libertarian Party of New Mexico hosts Albuquerque Liberty Forum at Fiesta's Restaurant and Cantina (Carlisle & Montgomery NE). Contact Mike Blessing for details — / 505-515-7015

Thursday, August 5 / 12 / 19 / 26, 8-9 PM: The Weekly Sedition will be on Albuquerque Comcast Channel 27, hosted by Mike Blessing. For those that don't have ABQ Comcast, the show can be viewed via streaming video on the Channel 27 site (requires MS Media Player!).

Thursday, September 2, 6-8 PM: The Libertarian Party of New Mexico hosts Albuquerque Liberty Forum at Fiesta's Restaurant and Cantina (Carlisle & Montgomery NE). Contact Mike Blessing for details — / 505-515-7015

Thursday, September 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30, 8-9 PM: The Weekly Sedition will be on Albuquerque Comcast Channel 27, hosted by Mike Blessing. For those that don't have ABQ Comcast, the show can be viewed via streaming video on the Channel 27 site (requires MS Media Player!).

bomb gun firearm steak knife Allah Aryan airline hijack